
Anxiety disorder accounts as the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting approximately 40 million adults; which is 19.1 % of the entire U.S. population.

Anxiety is a treatable condition, and yet only 37% of those with anxiety disorder can access or receive treatment.

People with anxiety disorder are more likely to be co-diagnosed with other psychiatric disorders.

Research done amongst adolescents with anxiety shows that if left untreated, teenagers are at increased risk to perform poorly in school, they miss out on important social experiences and skills, and they often engage in substance abuse (which can also lead to Substance use disorder)

Anxiety disorder includes a variety of disorders that share features of excessive fear and behavioral disturbances. Fear is our emotional response to a real or perceived threat in contrast to anxiety which is the anticipation of a future threat. Occasional symptoms of anxiety are normal while anxiety disorder is usually excessive or persisting beyond appropriate accepted time. 

Anxiety disorders differ in the types of objects or situations that evoke the systems seen in the disorder.

Anxiety can be subdivided into other disorders such as:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Panic Disorder

How to know if you are experiencing normal symptoms of anxiety or if you have an anxiety disorder?

Signs and Symptoms include:

  • Recurrent or excessive distress, worry, restlessness, or on-edge
  • Increased sweating, palpitation, increased heart rate, sensation of shortness of breath
  • Chills or heat sensation 
  • Muscle sensation
  • Easily fatigued
  • Difficulty focusing and concentrating
  • Unexplained pains, headaches, stomach aches
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Refusal to go out or leave home
  • Symptoms of phobias
  • Social anxiety

The earlier you get diagnosed the better. Most times individuals are diagnosed when they have other comorbidities and they tend to be more impaired. Excessive worrying can impair an individual’s capacity to focus and function effectively. Worrying takes away your time, energy, and peace of mind; and includes associating symptoms of muscle tension and difficulty sleeping, etc. 

Anxiety can be treated by a psychiatrist and/or a psychologist; through medication and psychotherapy, or both. 

Psychotherapy or talk therapy is an approach to help individuals cope by talking with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health provider. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one example of psychotherapy that is incorporated into treatment for a variety of psychiatric illnesses. It involves educating patients on different ways of behaving, thinking, and how to react to situations to help them cope with their daily struggles

Medications are not a cure for your anxiety disorders; however, they can help you relieve your symptoms and enable you to carry out your daily activities. 

Book your appointment with a Board Certified Psychiatrist today! 

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