Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment disorder occurs in response to a stressful life event or events. It is the presence of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor. It may be a single, multiple, recurring, or continuous event. Adjustment disorder is also identified in people who experience intensified grief reactions followed by the death of a loved one. This response exceeds the quality of normal grief after cultural, religious, and age-appropriate norms are considered. 

Adjustment disorder is highly associated with an increased risk of suicidal attempts and also successful suicide plans. 

There are Approximately 5% to 20% of individuals diagnosed and treated in an outpatient mental health clinic for adjustment disorder. In a hospital setting, this percentage is usually higher. 

Just like other mental conditions, adjustment disorder often coexists with other psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, depression, disturbance of conduct, and more.

Treatment often includes individual psychotherapy using CBT approaches, family therapy, and psychotropic medications. A combination of these is usually more effective.

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